Nanocentre supports you with all your questions about the safety of nanomaterials

Nanotechnology offers new possibilities which can increase our quality of life. Think of a reduction in energy consumption, stronger and lighter materials, and materials with new properties. This is nanotechnology. However, is nanotechnology always safe?

Nanocentre aims to support you to ensure safe innovation of products or processes that utilize nanomaterials. Nanocentre is the site where companies can get answers to their questions about safety of nanomaterials, where guidance is given to get familiar with the huge amount of information on nanomaterials, and the site which offers an opportunity to exchange information between companies, research organisations and the government.

Nanocentre was initiated by TNO, the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK) and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

Do you have any questions?

You can ask all your questions by telephone or email. Questions regarding safety of nanomaterials are answered by TNO (in association with RIVM); questions about innovation opportunities are addressed by the Chamber of Commerce.